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Josh Sternberg

About Author

Josh Sternberg is the Executive Editor for Morning Brew, where he oversees editorial strategy and operations. He has also led editorial and branded content teams at Adweek. At CFO Brew, Sternberg serves as the Executive Editor, providing the latest news and insights that corporate finance professionals need to know to keep up with their constantly evolving industry. He is part of the full staff at CFO Brew, which includes other managing editors such as John Del Signore, Neal Freyman, and Margarita Noriega. Sternberg's expertise in finance and business news is evident in his work, and he is dedicated to helping readers make informed decisions and boost their finance skills.


CFO Brew is a newsletter created by Morning Brew. It provides the latest news and insights for corporate finance professionals. The newsletter is edited by Josh Sternberg and is specifically designed to keep finance professionals up-to-date with the constantly evolving industry. CFO Brew is a natural extension of Morning Brew's remarkable coverage within the financial realm and provides even deeper dives into the world of corporate finance. The first edition of CFO Brew was launched on July 11, 2022.

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